
VEGi1: Cultivating Compassion through Veganism

veganismVegi1Plant-based lifestyleVegan magazineAnimal cruelty awareness
Eugenio Ciccale
Author of 5 Vegan

I'd like to introduce you to VEGi1

Vegan Check

VEGi1, also known as VegiFamily, is a magazine that's all about promoting veganism. Our website, which you can learn more about at, serves as a quick and accessible resource for everything vegan.

VEGi1 was born on 8/4/2020 with a simple mission: to inform the public about veganism and make it accessible to everyone. We believe that going vegan doesn't have to be daunting. That's why we're here to support people every step of the way. From mouthwatering vegan recipes to informative videos, we aim to show how easy and fulfilling the vegan lifestyle can be. We're also dedicated to providing information on getting all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs to thrive on a vegetarian diet.

How can you help?

We'd love your support in helping us grow the veganism culture and spreading the word about By featuring our website on your platform and linking to us, you can make a significant impact. When you publish our website content or share our YouTube videos on social networks and websites, you're helping us reach a broader audience and introduce more people to the beauty of the vegan lifestyle. By supporting us, you're not just helping our blog; you're contributing to a larger mission. Together, we can reach more people, encouraging them to reevaluate their life choices and, hopefully, reduce or even eliminate their consumption of animals, putting an end to animal cruelty.

We're excited about the positive change we can create together. If you're on board with our mission, please consider featuring VEGi1 on your platform and spreading the word about us. Every little bit helps, and together, we can make a significant impact on the world.


veganismVegi1Plant-based lifestyleVegan magazineAnimal cruelty awareness

Thank you until next time! ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’œ

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5 Vegan is a website that share vegan quotes, vegan recipes, information about veganism, vegan lifestyle, animal rights and plant-based diets.
