
Top books about Health, Environment, Animal Rights and Plant-based cooking

vegan booksvegan recipesplant-basedultimate vegan checklistvegan joruney
Eugenio Ciccale
Author of 5 Vegan

I've been asked many times to recommend books about environment, animal rights or plant-based cooking, that's why I've created a page with Top books about Health, Environment, Animal Rights and Plant-based cooking.

See the books listing here ยป

Top books about Health, Environment, Animal Rights and Plant-based cooking

They are conveniently distributed by categories to make it easier to find the topic that you are looking for very quickly.

In the future we are going to add a filter/search functionality to make it even easier.

We display the books information in the following format:

Top books about Health, Environment, Animal Rights and Plant-based cooking

See more vegan cooking books here ยป

We include an image* of the book on the left side and on the right side you can see the title of the book, the author and a short description about the book.

Below you can find social media buttons to share the book and a button to purchase the book on amazon.

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* The cover images of the books are the real ones, although the book shape or size are just for representation purposes and they might not resemble the real book shape or size.

Things I'm working on:

  • Update the videos and movies page with latest documentaries about the environment and more
  • Blog to share vegan and plant-based stories on how people like you or me become vegan or is on their vegan or plant-based journey
  • Add more vegan recipes
  • Add products to help you find ingredients for recipes or easy swap for vegan foods
  • Improve experience of Ultimate Vegan Checklist to save your checked elements so you can come back later and track how far you've come


vegan booksvegan recipesplant-basedultimate vegan checklistvegan joruney

Thank you until next time! ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’œ

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