Explore this miscellaneous collection of videos about veganism, health and animals with profound life teachings to invite you to rethink your life choices.
Over the last few years eating meat has increasingly been associated with health risks, like heart disease, cancer and an early death. How unhealthy is meat really?
Paradoxically meat is pretty much the most inefficient way of feeding humans, if we look at it on a global scale, our meaty diet is literally eating up the planet
To the girl who raised her, this massive creature is family. And there's no way big business is turning her into food.
On a night out with friends, Eric tries a new restaurant that takes the dining experience full circle. Set in the not-so-distance, dark future, 'Casa de Carne' is a thought-provoking short film about hard choices and hidden truths.
Receive 5 blog posts about veganism, health and plant-based diets from websites such as nutritionfacts.org, adappt.org, vegansociety.com & plantbasednews.org